Tending the Microbiome: A Folk Healer's Approach

Tending the Microbiome: A Folk Healer's Approach


This is the folk method I use to help heal my gut and improve my microbiome. I know there is a lot of information on the ‘gram saying that you need a specialized approach to healing the gut and it's hard to heal the gut on your own, and while that can be true for some, quite frankly I find it fearmongering and another layer of the gatekeeping that we find in certified systems.

We should all have the power to be able to heal ourselves, and taking measures to heal the gut on your own can actually show a lot of improvement in case you ever do decide to work with a specialist. Doing something is always better than doing nothing, especially if you are holding off because "you're not a specialist." So I am going to tell you what I do personally when I feel my gut needs a bit more love, and I will expand on each one of these in other posts:

Step 1: Pathogen Control: Mild control against bad bacteria, fungal overgrowth, and other pathogens that can be contributing to imbalance in the gut. I like to do this for no more than one month at a time to keep our good guys intact.

Step 2: Tending the Gut Lining: Healing a leaky gut has a lot of different approaches, but using healing herbs to travel through the digestive tract and heal the damage that poor diet, medications, and pathogens have done is crucial.

Step 3: Repopulation: I wait to introduce probiotics until the gut is showing signs of healing, otherwise sometimes the gut isn't ready for them and they either pass right through our system or cause GI distress. There are lots of different ways to introduce good bacteria than just a probiotic!

Just a friendly reminder that this protocol is pointless if we aren't also addressing the root causes to our guts getting torn up in the first place, such as addressing food intolerances, eating pesticide rich/GMO foods, and taking lots of OTC medication like Tylenol or prescription drugs.

I’ll go through each step in more detail in this 8 page downloadable PDF!

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